Thursday, September 1, 2016

#0 - Introduction to Erin

I would consider my past experience with technology to be beginner and boarder line intermediate. I know how to use the basic functions of a computer, word processing programs, presentation programs, spreadsheet programs, and Photoshop. I have to admit I am glued to my iPhone, so I would say I am highly experienced with using that type of technology. I've never had any horrible issues with technology, so I would say my experience with technology has been beneficial and positive. 

I hope to learn about the potential programs I can use in my classroom in the future. I also hope that I can discover more shortcuts regarding the programs I already know how to use. I hope that I can use technology in the classroom in the future to potentially benefit my students learning processes. Finally, I hope to gain as much knowledge as possible regarding the educational technology that will be presented throughout this course so I can use them to the best of my ability for my students. 

Regarding my learning style, I learned that I am more of an active learner, a sensing learner, a visual learner and a sequential learner. I wasn't surprised that I scored the highest as a sensing learner, because I do enjoy problem solving and learning facts. I also agreed with how sensor learners remember best by connecting things to the real world, because I know I do that personally with a lot of things. I also wasn't surprised that I received a higher score as an active learner because I do like to be engaged while learning. Lastly, I also understand why I scored what I scored as a sequential learner because I know I like to be organized and have everything be linear.

1 comment:

  1. After reading your background and your hopes for this class, I think you are going to have so much fun. We are going to couch the assignments in your future classroom, but you will develop skills along the way that you will use everywhere... including your phone. In tech world we call it "mobile technology" and you use it, your kids will use it, heck, ipads are often the first 1-to-1 tech in schools. Looking forward to your perspectives in this class.
