Monday, October 17, 2016

(1) ILP Participation - Lynda: Improving Your Memory

In this Independent Learning Project, I decided to utilize the license that we as students a Florida State have access to. I couldn't decide what area I wanted to take a tutorial on, so I went under the Education tab. There were several different tutorials to choose from, but I chose a lecture based on Memory, and how to strengthen your memorizing skills. At first, I had chosen this tutorial only because it's an important aspect of my campus ministry to memorize scripture from the Bible; I know that I struggle with memorization, so I thought this tutorial would help a lot. Besides helping me with memorizing scripture, I thought this would help me greatly with studying for exams as well. I would utilize these tools I was given in my future classroom as well.

Here are some of my notes from the tutorial I participated in!

Feel free to click on the image below to be taken to the specific tutorial I did!

Here are some tools that were provided at the end of the tutorial!


  1. Wow, this was super interactive and interesting! Thank you for all of the supporting links too, it definitely helped keep me engaged when reading your post! I think that is a very important concept to consider when teaching, how interactive is the presentation/lesson, and how can i get my students more involved with it! Anyone Agree?

    1. Thanks Juls! I appreciate your feedback regarding my ILP. Do you have any constructive criticisms you'd be willing to share?

  2. I loved your screenshots and how you added in the tools that were presented at the end of your video. I think that the notes that you made should be more in depth, but I like how you wrote about each slide.

    1. Thank you Victoria! After looking back at my note taking, I noticed I could have gone a little more in depth as well. Sometimes when I take quick notes, I always try to make them short and sweet, forcing me to go back to the original slides the notes were on. Thanks for your feedback!

  3. I just came over to your blog after you left a comment on mine! I love how you set your blog up and reviewed this. I'm definitely going to need some tips from you! Where did you find the suggested page at the end? That didn't show up with my tutorial.

    1. Thank you Tina! Embedding the PDF onto my blog took some time for me to figure out, but once you get it, it's super easy! The suggested page at the end came along with my particular tutorial. I'm guessing the gentleman in charge of the tutorial gave us the extra resources!
